How many categories of winners will there be in 2016?
Until all nominations are in we are unable to determine the total number of categories as the final number will be determined by the number of nominations. More nominations will equal more categories. Our goal, as always, is to recognize all the great companies, not just some.
Why is there a nomination fee and license fee?
We had heard from a few organizations, especially startups and non-profits, that our nomination fees were too high. For this program we removed the licensing fee from the entry or nomination fee and only those who win, and only those who would like to use the logo or branding, will need to license it. Licensing is 100% optional! For most, this means the cost of the award program is actually less, not more. Our goal is to make the programs even more accessible. Download the Entry Kit for complete details.
Why the 5-Star system or Likert scale?
This one is simple. Using the 5-Star system (also known as a Likert scale) allows us to offer you long-term value. The profile pages for winners will remain online with their score permanently available to potential employees and customers. It also provides what Google calls a rich snippet or structured data in search results, meaning your star rating will show up in search when someone searches for reviews of your organization. In short, your SEO team will love this! Here is a sample profile page.
How many votes do we need to win?
Several people have asked how many votes do they need to win. The short answer is enough to be statistically valid. For most organizations that means approximately 20% of your entire employee base. That number would be higher for small companies and smaller for large companies. If you have additional questions, please contact us.
What happens if we do not win?
In the event you do not get recognized as a Best Places to Work, your profile page will be removed and but you will be given details as to why. Might have been you were out scored or it could be that you didn't receive enough votes. Regardless of why, we will share those details with you. If you do win, voting will be turned off and the page will live as a permanent indicator of your performance. No reward = No Risk!
Download the 2016 Best Places to Work Entry Kit for Complete Details
Photo by Marco Bellucc