Huge “Thank you” and congratulations to Chuck Brooks and Tony Pham
As we enter the holiday season, especially November when we give thanks, the generosity of our judges never ceases to amaze us. These executives are the ones who volunteer their time to help with our effort to shine light on the successes of others. Our business award programs rely on these individuals so to them we simply say, “Thank you!”
Our volunteer and crowd-sourced judging panel is made up of people from all walks of life, from start-up founders to CEOs of major corporations in technology to textiles and everything in between. This diverse group and its judges’ dedication to providing valuable private and public feedback, brings value to our nominees.
A few of our judges have recently been recognized for their own achievements. May this article shed a bit more light on their work, and serve as a small token of our sincere appreciation for their leadership.
Chuck Brooks: Man of Many Hats Gets Well-Deserved Award from LinkedIn
Where Chuck Brooks finds time is a mystery. By day, he is Vice President of Government Relations and Marketing for Sutherland Global Services, one of the leading business process optimization organizations on the planet, and in his spare time he is part of the New and Emerging Technologies Committee for CompTIA, one of the largest technology industry trade groups. He is also an advisor to Homeland Security and serves on the boards of more than a few startups and non-profits.
If that wasn’t enough, in September, judge Chuck Brooks was named as the #2 in the 5 Tech Voices Your Should be Following on LinkedIn. In her article, Meghan Brockmeyer noted, “Chuck focuses core content on security, but isn’t afraid to include content tangentially related to core subject matter (e.g. a post focused on mastering the art of influence in Washington, D.C.) which incorporates fresh/unexpected content to help keep readers interested and foster conversation.”
Tony Pham Sells Out of Coin 2.0, Gets Acquired by Fitbit, Joins Gear Launch
To those of you who do not know Coin, do you live under a rock? The Coin revolution launched with more organic press than anything we had ever seen. The concept was simple, and a stroke of genius--one credit card programmed to be all your cards!
After a successful launch, the team led by judge Tony Pham bested their initial effort by quickly selling out of their 2.0 product and a few days later they announced the acquisition of the company by none other than the leader in wearable tech, Fitbit!
Tony is now on to bigger and better things, bringing his leadership and skills to Gear Launch, a new eCommerce platform designed to make it incredibly easy for companies to not only start selling online but also have on demand manufacturing and customer service capabilities. Good luck Tony, not that you will need it!
These are just two examples of the leadership and excellence of our judges and we are proud to be associated with them. While we can’t tell you here all the stories of greatness that our judges deserve (we wish we could), you can easily follow their work on Twitter and subscribe to our list!