Follow these simple tips to improve your odds of winning a business award
Start now.Don’t miss out by missing a deadline. Also look for ways to stay up to date, like our News and Alerts.
Provide proof.What are the facts? Detail the exact reasons why you are deserving of a BIG Award.
KISS – Keep it simple stupid.While our judges are experienced, they come from various backgrounds and don’t know your business like you do. Write your nomination so your grandmother could follow it.
Make sure you answer the question.Just like your fourth-grade teacher said, “Make sure you go back to the top and double-check that you answered the question being asked.”
Follow the rules.Don’t go over the word count or break any rules. If you have a question…ask.
Show the value.Detail how the person, company or product made an impact. Show the value to stakeholders.
Be passionate.Let us hear the sizzle? We don’t need fluffy words and flowery entries but your passion should show thru.
Proof read.No one likes to try to read poorly written articles and nominations. Frankly it’s hard. Have your work proofed by a professional like Scribendi.
Follow these simple steps to make sure that your nomination has a chance at glory!
BONUS TIP: If you have never written an award submission and find the task daunting…consider getting professional help!