There’s an expert for everything imaginable these days. That old saying “I got a guy for that” even holds true for winning corporate awards.
Everyone loves to win, it seems. Whatever game you are playing, competition in which you’re participating or sport for which you are trying to beat records, accolades go a long, long way.
An increasing number of corporations, people and professionals are in search of the type of recognition that can only be garnered by corporate award-winning. This can be evidenced by the myriad awards programs that have arrived on the scene of late. It’s a growing business - not a trend or a phase. The third-party validation is real. In fact, it;s unparalleled.
The question is…how do you secure that shiny new toy (i.e., trophy)?
I got a guy for that. An awards expert. Yes, there is such a thing.
I bet your head is spinning, trying to figure out just how to go for the gold. It is uncharted territory.
Are you wondering:
- Which program do I even enter? There are so many, how do I know which one is right for me/my team/my company?
- How do I discern one category from the next and choose which to enter?
- How do I tell my story so as to create a possible winning entry? I am not even sure I know what the specific compelling components of my story are and what judges would want to know
- Do I (or someone on my team) have the skillset necessary for writing entries and completing entry forms?
- Do we have the resources to take on this endeavor? It will pose a distraction to our day-to-day priorities.
- Perhaps most importantly, what kind of chance do I have at winning even while giving it my absolute best shot?
You probably do not have these answers but there is a market for awards writing because there are those of us who do. There are experts who focus on striving to reach this exact goal – winning awards for clients. Whether its people, products or performance, an awards expert can change the game for you.
Why does this market exist?
Like most every other industry, experts exist in awards writing, too. As stated above, an expert strives to craft outstanding, award-winning entries just like an expert plumber will fix our leaky pipes or an HVAC tech tending to broken air conditioners.
There are several reasons to engage an expert to guide you through the awards process. Here are a few key tips for doing so and benefits these experts can bring.
Find an expert who:
- Stops your head from spinning because they understand the ever-increasing, highly competitive awards landscape in and out. They know just how to navigate it. They can weed through many awards opportunities out there and hone the ones best for you. Whomever you choose should be well-versed in the awards arena and able to recommend programs, categories and even supporting tools to validate your entry/ies
- Brings storytelling to the process: the right awards expert is a great storyteller. Once they learn your story, they can distill it and discern the right components needed for telling it exceptionally well -- in entry forms
- Knows what the judges are seeking so they ought to know how to appropriately position and frame your entries
- Possesses a niche skillset because they do this day in and day out. They devote their career to awards writing and winning
- Alleviates the issue of lack of internal resources you may be facing. They offer outsourced support on a project basis so you can preserve your internal resources, allowing them to focus on what they do best – their jobs
- Holds the necessary content knowledge for creating a recipe for success in your entries
- Promotes the win across key stakeholder audiences
- Has a proven, winning tracking record across myriad programs because this type of professional will truly know how best to navigate the landscape and appropriately match your story with the right awards program and categories.
Awards preparation is a distinctive talent not many possess nor devote to full-time. Finding an expert takes you closer to reaching your third-party validation goals because once you win, there are many ways to leverage the honor to elevate your market position, recognize a team member or promote a product, as examples.
Again, you don’t hesitate to call the plumber when you have a leak or the HVAC specialist when your cooling system goes out.
Then don’t hesitate to call an awards expert when you need a professional to bring home the gold. You can polish the trophy yourself, though.

Susan Turkell is an awards expert and awards guru, having dedicated more than two decades to writing and winning awards across multiple, global programs. Learn more at www.theawardexpert.com or contact Susan directly at awards@pairelations.com.
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-wearing-black-leather-jacket-holding-smartphone-845457/